The lucky mascot is the special object, able to bring the owner luck and success in affairs. Ward can do more, take on give, ask for or buy in specialty shops.
Characteristics and types of
In virtue of the magic amulets good luck charms to attract good luck is divided in animated and inanimate objects. The first group classify the plants, the second — objects.
Common lucky charms:
- One of the animated symbol of good luck is considered four-leaf clover. Four leaves is a plant in the ten thousand − to get your success rare felix.
- In china it has been considered for a long time that the corn is going to bring you good luck. Of course, no one is going to store a variety of corn than the spathe. To attract the luck to put on a scarf or sew in the under nine of the grains.
- Live pet is and pine. A cone of pine has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, and was planted next to the house of a tree will protect of the bad spirits.

Exist and not live of lucky charms, because many of the beliefs concerning the magical properties of precious and semi precious stones.
It was believed that:
- pearls helps to maintain the well-being of the family;
- cat's eye will bring success in love and money;
- emerald will help you to focus;
- cornelian rid of melancholy;
- labrador protects you from bad dreams.
Other pets can be:
- silver key is a symbol of good luck and abundance;
- (walking will bring the owner luck in all your endeavours, and protection;
- the statuette of frog with a coin in the mouth of chinese beliefs brings abundance;
- horseshoe over the door — Slavic beliefs a sign of well-being.
Lucky charms of the zodiac signs
In ancient times believed that the movement of the planets affects the life of the person. The signs of the zodiac can affect ideal if the pet.
- Aries. The aries is inherent in a rigorous approach and affectivity. An excellent choice amulet of the trademark pendant of garnet, ruby or heliotrope. It is desirable that the pet got to the owner of the chance, or was gifted, so that is going to work more efficiently.
- Taurus. The bullocks are known for the ability to be in their and rationality. Suitable pet for them will be the image, a figurine or a keychain in the shape of a cat. The animal, famed for the flexibility and ingenuity, help you stubborn little bodies to avoid conflicts.
- The twins. Optimistic and kind to the twins talisman in the shape of an hourglass gives you the ability to avoid the excess of conformism in the life of the questions. The amulet will also allow you to concentrate on work in works.
- Cancer. Cancers is inherent in the love of the art, the representatives of the mark likely to artistic professions. Cancers is required of the pet, you will return to reality, to protect it from external negative. A good choice amulet will be the figure of the serpent. In many nations, it is considered the symbol of wisdom, as well as in the form of talisman to protect themselves from bad luck.
- Lion. Ambitious and determined of the Lions, ideal for a talisman in the form of poultry. Amparo gives the owner of the wings invisible, will contribute to the development of leadership skills.
- The virgin. Demanding and attentive to detail Pristine worth to pay attention to the decoration of the can. These pets help the representatives of the brand do not bother to detail, and to attract wealth.
- The scale. Balanced weights, ideal for the amulet of the-horseshoe. Talisman will help them to establish advantageous to discover and attract the best findings.
- The scorpion. Restless Scorpions protect you in your adventures the pin with cord. It is preferable to select pearl color red, which symbolizes health and prosperity.
- Sagittarius. Impatient archers taking hasty decisions to safeguard the figure of the turtle. The animal was considered a symbol of peace and slowness.
- The aquarium. The talisman in the shape of a heart will make the aquarium more moderate in their communication with their loved ones. We will help you not throw words to the wind, and win the location of the guide.
- Capricorn. Capricorn can choose the decoration in the form of a dragonfly. The character carefree gives to the representatives of the marks of confidence and optimism, which is not enough.
- Of the fish. The fish can buy an amulet in the shape of a sun. The talisman rid of the indecision and charged for the energy necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
Where to take the talisman of the good luck?
It is a obligatory rule when you select the pet – follow the call of the heart. Time, acquired under the influence of internal momentum bauble can serve more than an amulet, based in the right environment.
Of course, it is best that the pet was made with their own hands, but it is acceptable that he participated in the creation of a relative, friend or loved one.
In any case, use in the form of the mascot of the gifts of the people are malevolent or nasty.
As to do with your hands?
To begin with, you need to select the amulet, you are going to create. Decide what type of pet is most suitable.
Talisman is indeed "the object of the force", related to a specific owner. To strengthen the protection can apply under the protection of magical symbols, the name of the owner or runes. Sometimes, for the configuration of the relationship with the amulet in it leave a drop of blood.
The rules of manufacturingAn important aspect of the creation of the lucky mascot in the home is the concentration on a given task.
The rules of the manufacture of talismans are:
- in the creation of a amulet it is necessary to highlight free of the cares of the day;
- do not let anyone distract and annoy you during work.
- disconnect the phone, select the nice relaxing music;
- prepare in advance components for the pet.
All of the materials for the creation of the mascot of luck are essential natural.
Amulets of luck, you can do more
You can create a variety of pets of their hands, one of the most effective is:
- ward, of paper or paperboard;
- the bag of luck;
- the money from the tangle;
- the magic of wax;
- bracelet of thread;
- Arabic talisman;
- imperial amulet for good luck and wealth.
The creation of apotropaic, paper or cardboard will not take much time, but that is well manufactured under will bring good luck. First decide what color of paper to select.
The most appropriate color of paper:
- White – the color of new beginnings, purity and moderation. The mascot of white color, ideal for those who began their way to the goal you want to achieve success in the work field.
- The red symbolizes the health and the affectivity. Choose the color of the penalty for those who want to strengthen their relationships, develop in the creative plan.
- Black is often perceived negatively, the value, however, this perception is wrong. Black – to finish, the absorption of the energy. It is worth to choose the people who want to complete old business, stay out of the problems of the past.
After you have decided on the color of the paper, proceed to the creation of the mascot:
- Deck table white, preferably again with the tablecloth.
- Put in the middle of the table a sheet of paper or cardboard.
- At the edges of the tablecloth to give four candles and the light.
- Draw on the drawing paper or text. It is worth writing on a sheet of desire, as if they have already been realized: "I bought a house" or "vova confessed in love". For the figure of the sentence to choose the rune, the image of the sun or of the heart, which will help you attract positive energy.
- Wait until the candles conburet igni, seeking in the text or the image on the paper. Try visualizing your dreams.
Having such desires is necessary towards oneself. Include your wallet or purse to put in the chest pocket.The bag of luck

Nice and easy in the manufacturing of the pet will be the bag of luck.
- for its creation you will need materials such as:
- cloth red from 25 to 15 centimeters;
- multi-color thread;
- the dried herb.
Materials ready, proceed to the creation of the mascot:
- The fabric in half and we sewed from two parts.
- In the bag of the stack of the herb. Select peppermint, lavender, rosemary or clove.
- Tie the neck of the family of the threads, after which leave it in the window of the week.
The bag of luck becomes in the rising of the moon, so that it will take more force. Done correctly, it will bring you luck for many years.
The money from the tangle ofTo create the next amulet you will need:
- the tangle of wool threads;
- small coins.
The wool must be new, not to be used for weaving or wood before.
Proceed to the creation of the mascot:
- Take the thread and start unwinding it in the new mess, the linking of the currency.
- Tell of the conspiracy: "the Thread of the wisps – good luck to you see, the ball will roll – happiness in the home, it is added".
After the completion of the fabrication it is necessary to leave the pet on a moonlit night on the sill of the window, is full of the energy of the moon, and bring it to the house of happiness and prosperity.
The magic of waxTo create an amulet you will only need to wax. Select a candle, the color and the shape of the product.
It is applicable to the manufacture of:
- In the growing phase of the moon light the candle at midnight.
- Until the flame ignites, tell you about all the desires and dreams. Try to make your clarity as possible.
- When the candle melts, do not dispose of the wax, and fold in the canvas of the bag.
Keep the wax away from the eyes malevolent. The pet will help you to achieve the satisfaction of all desires.
Bracelet thread
To create an amulet more often opt for the red thread to attract good luck.
The creation of the mascot:
- We take three of thread and began to plifortigi"flexible", alternatively, putting one to another.
- In the centre of the bracelet can be coordinated with red pearl for the strengthening of the apotropaic.
- The pigtail cable tied the knot at the wrist.
Umelitsy can weave the thread of the leather strap as the of fortune is the secure base from which to increase intuition and connection with nature. Talisman to protect against failures and to slander, is going to attract the luck.
Arabic talismanOne of the strengths arabs pets that bring good luck, is considered to be the hand of fatima. The amulet in the form of the palm of the hand often in the form of figures and suspensions, but it is possible to represent more.
The algorithm of creation of the arab of the lucky mascot:
- Light a candle.
- Take a sheet of paper and draw the hand of fatima. It is desirable to draw under blue colors, this will strengthen its protective properties.
- Place in the center of the image the image of the eye to sharpen intuition.
- Wait until the candle burns.
Ready pet smart mark near the entrance door, to avoid the failure in the home or on the desk for luck in business.
Imperial amulet for good luck and the wealth of theFor the manufacture of amulet you will need a coin. Not worth taking the first obtained. It is possible, in the curio shop you will find the option for the soul.
The creation of the mascot:
- Perforated mid coin hole. To make the hole, necessarily think of treasured desires.
- Take the yarn or red string and threading of the currency.
- We tied the rope in a double knot, imagining that bind to a string of luck.
The amulet does not only act on the financial side of life, but it will also prevent problems, it will attract the force to the execution of the dreams.

How to activate the talisman?
After the selection of the pet should be cleaned of negative energies and activate. If the material of the amulet is not fragile, is the purification of the penalty passing a stream of water. Other effective option is to spray talisman. For a ritual you will need incense sticks or candles. You can delete, plunging the protection symbol in the sand.
To activate the talisman should be:
- To relax, close the eyes and visualize how with it goes all of the dirt and the negative.
- The easiest and most effective, to activate the talisman – to be worn on the hand, touch the person and rhythmically to exhale in it.
- During the activation, it is necessary to focus on the tasks that you must carry the talisman and the positive attraction.
- To fully charge the pet you imagine as with decurrant is the amulet of the portion of the energy to protect in the future.
- Talisman it is necessary to start to talk to whisper with him about your desires.